Dover is located in Morris County which places it in the center of Northern New Jersey. It is approximately 35 miles from
Manhattan and the same distance from the Delaware River and the State of Pennsylvania. The town is in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains but its highest point is only a few hundred feet above sea
level. The Rockaway River flows from west to east dividing the town virtually in half creating a north and south section. Dover is bounded by the communities of Wharton, Mine Hill, Randolph Township,
Rockaway Township, Victory Gardens and Rockaway Borough.
The town has a population of over 15,000 residents. Dover regards itself as the center for activity in the region and is
initiating plans to enhance its role as a regional center. It has all the necessary infrastructure in place with its water system not only providing water to over 99.5% of the properties within Dover
while additionally servicing portions of adjacent municipalities. Dover is the largest customer of nine municipalities which make up the Rockaway Valley Regional Sewerage Authority. The sewage system
services over 95% of the population and all commercial properties. Dover has a 32 man police force and a very active, well equipped fire department and rescue squad. To accomodate modern communication
requirements, Bell Atlantic has available a Fiber Optics capability in their facility located in the center of the Town. Because of its widespread existing infrastructure and its geographic location,
Dover is an ideal location in which to concentrate growth and redevelopment.
Transportation Capabilities
The extensive amount of public transportation servicing Dover makes compliance with the Clear Air Act goals and objectives
readily achievable. Interstate 80 and State Highway 10, both east-west highways, are within one mile of the town center, running parallel to one another, with 80 to the north and 10 to the south of the
town. N.J. Route 15 and U.S. Highway 46 are entrance routes and travel directly through town. Additionally county roads #659, 643, 661 and 513 traverse the town.
Bus service in Dover is primarily of two types: direct service to New York City and local service connecting Dover with
neighboring communities and counties. Service to New York City is provided by NJ Transit and Lakeland bus. Local service is basically provided by Morris County Metro (MCM) which provides transportation
to area malls and to other communities within Morris County.
Passenger rail service to and from Dover is provided by NJ Transit on two rail services, the Morristown Line and the Boonton
Line. Dover is the western terminus for electrified service. The Boonton Line has diesel locomotive powered trains that pass through Mt. Lakes, Boonton, Lincoln Park and other communities. Train service
on the Morristown Line has created a variety of local and express trains that travel through Morristown, Madison, Chatham, Summit, Newark and other towns terminating in Hoboken. With the advent of the
"Midtown Direct" passengers have an alternative which allows them the opportunity to travel from Dover directly to Penn Station, New York City via the Northeast Corridor Line. This capability
cuts travel time between Dover and New York City significantly.
Special Factors
The State Development and Redevelopment Plan, which in essence is the State Master Plan has identified Dover as one of only
three municipalities in the entire state to be designated as a Regional Center. Additionally, the State has made Dover a participant in the Strategic Neighborhood Assistance Program (SNAP). The
advantages offered by both these programs are the special priorities allowed in the awarding of grants, low interest loans and other financial assistance for development and renovations. Another factor
of note is that while many municipalities within the county and the state are struggling to develop identifiable downtown centers, Dover has in place, a true downtown area and is making special efforts
to improve and maintain this valuable asset.
Town Government
Dover is governed by a Mayor and Board of Aldermen. The town is divided into Four Wards. There are two aldermen per Ward with
the Mayor elected on an at large bases. If a single characteristic was used to describe Dover's philosophy of operation it would be one of being pro-active vs. reactive. That is to say that all boards,
departments, employees of the town are directed to assure that every attempt is made to cooperate with residents, visitors, and developers in a expeditious, friendly manner.
For additional information contract Mr. Paul McDougall (Town Adminstrator) at 201-366-2200 Ext. 127 or Mr. Mike Hantson (Town
Engineer/Planner) at 201-328-2801.